Since long, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka have been at loggerheads over the sharing of Cauvery waters. This contentious issue has created an unbridgeable divide between the two states. To make matters worse, politicians from both sides have tried hard to exploit the situation in their favour. Rabble rousing, on this issue, has been their pet job. This, has invariably led to, protests, violence, and looting in both the states. People were the ultimate victims of such sheer political opportunism. Loss of lives and damage to property hardly mattered in the mad race for power.
A recent development between the two states deserves a special mention. A statue of the great Tamil poet Thiruvalluvar was recently installed in Karnataka. The chief minister of Tamil Nadu, at request of his Karnataka counterpart, flew in to unveil the statue. This took place, despite strong protests by some lingual chauvinists in Karnataka. As a reciprocal gesture, a statue of a Kannada poet, Sarvajna, will soon be unveiled in Tamil Nadu. This show, given the will, political parties can transcend their regional bias to foster good will amongst people.
Sadly, such a rare development, has not found a mention in the front pages of our newspapers. Whereas a Bollywood actor being detained in New York airport, easily wriggles into the headlines.
However, as an Indian, I feel very happy about it.